The Telegraph reports that Royal Mail has now reversed its decision to charge recipients a £5 fine as it investigates if ...
In a decidedly digital age, the modest postage stamp seems to be slowly vanishing from daily life—no longer ubiquitous in ...
The Royal Mail is pausing the £5 penalty it was charging to anyone receiving a letter with a fake stamp. After a surge in ...
The Post Office minister has urged Royal Mail to stop fining people £5 if they accidentally use counterfeit stamps believed ...
Royal Mail is scrapping £5 penalties for members of the public to collect post with counterfeit stamps. It comes as reports ...
and not to buy stamps online – unless from the official Royal Mail shop.' Royal Mail recommends people look out for uneven borders and any missing security bogus when trying to spot counterfeit ...
online marketplaces and law enforcement authorities, has led to a 90% reduction in counterfeit stamps. “We want our customers to buy stamps with confidence and always recommend that customers ...
and not to buy stamps online – unless from the official Royal Mail shop.” Earlier this month, The Daily Telegraph reported that China was allegedly flooding Britain with counterfeit Royal Mail stamps.
and not to buy stamps online - unless from the official Royal Mail shop Nick Landon, Royal Mail Stickers will be applied to items to advise the recipient that the stamp used has scanned as ...
online marketplaces and law enforcement authorities, has led to a 90% reduction in counterfeit stamps. “We want our customers to buy stamps with confidence and always recommend that customers ...