A series of loud explosions were reported in the Russian city of Belgorod on April 19, following an overnight air raid alert, ...
Kyiv is running short of the U.S.-made missiles it uses to protect its infrastructure from relentless Russian airstrikes.
Kateryna Velnychuk was having an afternoon nap when an explosion shattered the windows of her ground-floor flat, spraying ...
Russian missiles killed[a] at least 17 people in Chernihiv, a Ukrainian city located[b] 60 miles from the border with Russia.
UKRAINE’S second largest city is in danger of becoming a “second Aleppo” as constant waves of Russian airstrikes turn it into ...
Russia's Ministry of Defense reported that it shot down two Ukrainian drones over the Tatarstan and Mordovia regions ...
The second target for Ukraine’s explosives-laden robotic sports plane is a big one: a 1,900-mile-range over-the-horizon radar ...
The U.S., British and French militaries helped intercept Iranian missiles and drones, but Ukrainians say they haven’t ...
A Russian bomber has reportedly crashed under dramatic circumstances, with Ukrainian forces claiming responsibility for downing the aircraft. This incident adds a new layer of tension between the two ...