What's the best professional camera? Well, it depends on your profession! My professional work is built around portraiture, so I need a camera with high resolution and good face and eye detection.
The system includes an imager with a freeform optic lens that captures image data, an image processor that processes the data to form two image portions displayed on separate video elements at ...
The benefits system is ill-equipped to deal with surging long-term sickness levels, as the number of people signed off without having to look for work hits 2.3 million. The warning from the ...
Metrolink says it will use the money, as well as additional grant funding secured in Congress, to develop and test a new “intrusion detection system” that will alert train operators about ...
a whole house water filter removes contaminants from all of your home’s water supply as it enters from the municipal system or well. Filtering all of your home’s water ensures that you’ll ...
Elexon, the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) manager, has made a change allowing smaller generators connected to distribution networks to get paid for system restoration services, putting them ...