The problem with television is that not all shows are received the same, which means not all shows are treated the same. Some, like Modern Family and The Office, hung around long enough for the ...
More than ever, data centers run the world, but many of them need a 21st century reboot. Today’s data centers have to be more efficient, redundant, and flexible than ever. We examine when and ...
We have so many new tools now that the nature of what we can do at work is changing. Here are some of the most exciting qualities of tech-enabled work in the 21st century. In the age of crowd-sourcing ...
At the 2001 United Nations Conference on Race and Xenophobia in Durban, South Africa, it was evident that the reparations struggle would evolve into the greatest and most transforming political and ...
At Purdue, it's more than a scholarship. Purdue's 21st Century Scholars Program offers resources tailored specifically to 21st Century Scholars award recipients to aid their success. Contact us if you ...
But the dawn of the 21st century has also brought some memorable metal moments as well. With that in mind, here's our list of 25 great metal albums from 2000 and after. Listed in chronological order.
based company has developed a power cable that weighs less and can carry more electricity than the standard wires that have been used for more than a century. While lining up permits and approvals ...
The drone combat in Ukraine that is transforming modern warfare has begun taking a deadly toll on one of the most powerful symbols of American military might — the tank — and threatening to rewrite ...
A 21st-Century Story is a four-part history series charting the explosion in celebrity culture over the last two decades. The world of celebrity has been transformed since the turn of the century ...