The Making Of Casablanca - Audiobook, By Aljean Harmetz - Limited-Time Deal

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Casablanca, Casablanca-Settat, Morocco

Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco and the country's economic and business centre. Located on the Atlantic coast of the Chaouia plain in the central-western part of Morocco, the city has a population of about 3.71 million in the urban area, and over 4.2…
Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco and the country's economic and business centre. Located on the Atlantic coast of the Chaouia plain in the central-western part of Morocco, the city has a population of about 3.71 million in the urban area, and over 4.27 million in Greater Casablanca, making it the most populous city in the Maghreb region, and the eighth-largest in the Arab world.
  • Country: Morocco
  • Region: Casablanca-Settat
  • Founded by: Mohammed III
  • Elevation: 0 to 150 m (0 to 492 ft)
  • First settled: 7th century BC
  • Reconstructed: 1756

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