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Friedrich Wallmaster 12,000 BTU Thru-the-Wall AC w/ Heat Pump

The Friedrich Wallmaster 12,000 BTU Thru-the-Wall AC w/ Heat Pump is a smart air conditioner that provides 11100 cooling BTU and 8900 BTU heat pump. It features QuietMaster technology; 24 hour timer; auto restart; electronic defrost control and integrated Wi-Fi control.
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The Friedrich Wallmaster 12,000 BTU Thru-the-Wall AC w/ Heat Pump is a smart air conditioner that provides 11100 cooling BTU and 8900 BTU heat pump. It features QuietMaster technology; 24 hour timer; auto restart; electronic defrost control and integrated Wi-Fi control.

Cechy produktu

BTU (Cooling Power)11100 Btu/hr
Cooling Area (sq ft)550
Room Size550 Sq Ft
BTU (British Thermal Units)12000
Type of Air ConditionerThrough-the-wall Air Conditioners
Voltage220 V
Cord Length6 Ft
Manufacturer Part NumberWht12a33a
Recommended UseResidential
Wattage1250 W
Item Weight107 Lb