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Anthurium 'Pink Flamingo' - Anthurium scherzerianum | Live, Easy Houseplant (4" Wide Pot)

This anthurium has beautiful, pink, heart-shaped "flowers" which are actually morphed leaves called spathes. Anthurium spathes are brightly colored to attract pollinators to the spadix (the flower spikes in the middle). It's fairly low-maintenance, and blooms can last for 2-3 months in the right conditions. Sunlight: Medium to bright indirect light. Wat…
This anthurium has beautiful, pink, heart-shaped "flowers" which are actually morphed leaves called spathes. Anthurium spathes are brightly colored to attract pollinators to the spadix (the flower spikes in the middle). It's fairly low-maintenance, and blooms can last for 2-3 months in the right conditions. Sunlight: Medium to bright indirect light. Water: Once every week. Allow soil to dry 2" down. Pets: Not pet-safe! Care: Great choice for the beginner plant parent! Pro-tip: Brighter light equals a brighter bloom. If it stops blooming altogether, it needs to be moved to higher light. Ships fast and directly from our greenhouse to your home. All Rooted plants are grown and certified in Florida. We also offer a 14-day guarantee on all of our plants to make sure you're satisfied. This anthurium has beautiful, pink, heart-shaped "flowers" which are actually morphed leaves called spathes. Anthurium spathes are brightly colored to attract pollinators to the spadix (the flower spikes in the middle). It's fairly low-maintenance, and blooms can last for 2-3 months in the right conditions.


This anthurium has beautiful, pink, heart-shaped "flowers" which are actually morphed leaves called spathes. Anthurium spathes are brightly colored to attract pollinators to the spadix (the flower spikes in the middle). It's fairly low-maintenance, and blooms can last for 2-3 months in the right conditions. Sunlight: Medium to bright indirect light. Water: Once every week. Allow soil to dry 2" down. Pets: Not pet-safe! Care: Great choice for the beginner plant parent! Pro-tip: Brighter light equals a brighter bloom. If it stops blooming altogether, it needs to be moved to higher light. Ships fast and directly from our greenhouse to your home. All Rooted plants are grown and certified in Florida. We also offer a 14-day guarantee on all of our plants to make sure you're satisfied. This anthurium has beautiful, pink, heart-shaped "flowers" which are actually morphed leaves called spathes. Anthurium spathes are brightly colored to attract pollinators to the spadix (the flower spikes in the middle). It's fairly low-maintenance, and blooms can last for 2-3 months in the right conditions.