A study confirms the positive effects of exercise on insulin signaling proteins in the brain. A study led by researchers ...
A study uncovers the power of adopting healthy habits in middle age to significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia ...
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to eat healthier, you’re doing your heart a favor. And, a new study suggests that a ...
A recent study published in the journal Neurologyfound that eating processed red meat was linked to a higher chance of ...
“Higher intake of red meat, particularly processed red meat, was associated with a higher risk of developing dementia and ...
New research suggests that changes in body weight and cholesterol levels could signal increased dementia risk up to a decade before diagnosis, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open.
A new study reveals that men with cardiovascular risk factors are more likely to develop dementia 10 years earlier than women ...
There’s currently no cure for dementia. Although some recently developed drugs show promise in slowing the progress of the ...
People diagnosed with dementia have up to 10 times more microplastics present in their brains than those without the ...
While red meat is a rich source of protein, iron and other nutrients, a recent study linked it to an increased risk of ...
“Oral health behaviors are linked to inflammation and artery hardening. Flossing may reduce stroke risk by lowering oral ...
Anti-inflammatory drugs were linked to a reduced risk of dementia. Antibiotics, antivirals and vaccines, such as for ...