Q: What's going on with the Latin Mass, and why do some priests like to celebrate it while others don't? (Ocean View, DE) A: ...
These days one often hears the sentiment that being pro-life is at odds with caring for the poor. Kentucky-born physician and Sister of Mercy Sister Mariana Koonce is pro-life and ministers to the poo ...
In their effort to bring a holistic and innovative approach to wellness, Alliance Health at Marie Esther has embarked on an exciting new project that promises to enhance the quality of life for reside ...
The Department of Health and Human Services announced new regulations April 26 that restore Obama-era protections for ...
In many countries in the missions, women are responsible for the daily collection of water used by their families. Sometimes, ...
Anticipating Pope Francis' decree of May 9, 2024, in last week's column, we announced the Holy Year of 2025 with its title Pilgrims of Hope. Before the solemn announcement, the pope and the H ...
During XVIII Assembly of the Italian Catholic Action in Sacrofano, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for ...
After moving eleven times in 42 years, I am no stranger to being a newcomer. Hospitable neighbors are always a plus. Here, we are incredibly blessed. For example, because our latest house needed to be ...
On April 24, an unusual sound could be heard coming out of the Buckley Transportation Center in Lawrence. Rather than honking horns, chugging engines, and the hiss of bus doors opening and ...
More than 700 friends and supporters of the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary of Boston gathered on April 28 at the Boston Marriott in Quincy for the seminary's 12th ann ...
Migrants and refugees are not primarily a problem to be solved, they are human beings and future human resources to a country ...
By sharing their own stories and those of their parishes, pastors from around the world can help each other see where God is ...