A virus may be microscopic, but it contains thousands of nucleic acid bases strategically packaged into a protein shell.
It is] interesting work that further highlights the complex intercellular crosstalk between stromal cells in cancer,” said ...
Sapio Sciences has enhanced its lab informatics platform with new multimodal entity registration capabilities for diverse ...
Mouse models mimicking the transition from a common form of lung cancer to a more aggressive one may help scientists develop ...
An open-source search engine helps scientists identify hundreds of microbial metabolites in a matter of seconds.
In this month’s episode, Deanna MacNeil from The Scientist spoke with Jim Collins from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to learn how researchers are using explainable AI and artificial neural ...
Calculating the polygenic risk scores of ancient humans such as Ötzi the iceman helps researchers understand the genetic ...
Playing tag, riding bikes, and climbing trees are among the many joys of childhood that leave kids happily worn out and panting heavily for air. For those with lung disorders, growing up can look ...
The genome is a fascinating place, consisting of complex loops of DNA that are transcribed into RNA, which is translated into protein. However, DNA expression is controlled by factors beyond the ...
There is no single genetic blueprint for cancer. Instead, each individual cancer draws on a collection of acquired mutations that endow the cells with a selective advantage and superior immune evasion ...
The clinical research landscape is rapidly transforming. Instead of viewing patients as subjects, sponsors now use the patients’ input to help reduce the burden they face during trials. This ...