Short hair, don’t care? After the first contestant with short hair to win Miss France was critiqued online, we take a closer look at all the complicated emotions that come with having a crop.
Imagine a hilarious night out taking you back to the best songs of the 90s! Set to the Dangerous Liaisons-style story of Cruel Intentions, this striking musical is full of indecent proposal-esque ...
Last year, at the peak of her success, manifestation guru Roxie Nafousi found herself in a crisis of confidence, feeling as though she couldn’t put one foot in front of the other. Here, she ...
It’s no surprise that the bob is still dominating red carpets, so we expected nothing less than for it to dominate the Oscars red carpet. We weren’t wrong… If the bob is wrong, well, we don ...
Whether making a complaint as a customer or raising an issue with a loved one, there’s often something deeply uncomfortable about complaining. Ahead, we get to the bottom of why some of us find ...
How many times have you considered handing in your notice? We asked women to share what happened when they resigned and to share the regrets (and learnings) they experienced in the aftermath.
Can’t survive without Google Maps? Always got a to-do list on the go? Keep forgetting where you placed your keys? A neurologist explains why it feels like your memory isn’t working like it ...
The world can be stressful, and while these TV shows and films can’t cure burnout or nullify your frightening overdraft, they can provide a moment of respite when everything is overwhelming.
Annabel Scholey will star as one of the leads in the new BBC series. Here’s everything to know about Dead And Buried. Hot off her 2023 thriller The Serial Killer’s Wife, Annabel Scholey will ...
It doesn’t cost anything to reap the real benefits of living more like the Finns, writes Lucy Pearson. You’re now subscribed to all our newsletters. You can manage your subscriptions at any ...
The BBC are set to release a sequel to the hit crime-drama Magpie Murders, so here’s everything we know so far about Moonflower Murders. Cosy crime lovers, this one’s for you. If you’re ...
Step away from novelty Christmas knits, these chic festive jumpers are the stylish alternatives you’ll want to wear on heavy rotation for the rest of the year. These jumpers have a hint of ...