Iceland owes its progress in narrowing the gender wage gap to a decades-long equal-rights movement and public policies.
The Letta report on the single market should spur a renewal of supranationalism in the European Union.
Despite the European Pillar of Social Rights, social protection remains patchy for atypical and self-employed workers.
The affordability of housing has become a major problem for many households across Europe. The affordability crisis may ...
The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, says he agrees with Vladimir Lenin except on ‘self-determination’. That includes ...
The left has often been embarrassed by association with ‘liberation’ movements which became custodians of authoritarian states.
Persons with disabilities are expected to be patient—constantly in receipt of promises by policy-makers that change is on its ...
Europe’s electoral contestants must address the pressing need for a defence union and a democratic constitution.
The climate transition must benefit local communities, Lisa Pelling writes, if it is not to exhaust their patience.