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Learn more about new co-author requirements! All co-authors included on abstract author blocks are required to have a free My SfN account. (Note: Membership is not required to create an account.) ...
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We will have things fixed in no time. If you need help while the system is down, please email or call 1-888-985-9246.
Title and body of your abstract Name, affiliation, and conflict of interest information for all authors Linking group information, if applicable Support/grant information The submission process is ...
Companies, corporations, nonprofits, and foundations that thrive on great science can support the field of neuroscience through this specialized membership.
You can play a critical role in advancing funding for basic and biomedical research.
Scientists from diverse backgrounds contribute important research to the field, but face unique challenges. We engage with the global community to empower these voices, strengthening the field.
The Latin American Training Program (LATP) is a comprehensive, year-long online training program. It provides webinars, recorded content, and online discussions on cutting edge science and ...
During his term as president of the Society for Neuroscience in 1993-94, Dr. Squire initiated the collection of these autobiographies from leading neuroscientists so they could share their personal ...
Essential to any scientific field is to learn and understand its history. Knowing the history of the field of Neuroscience not only informs our understanding of the past and honors its progress, but ...
SfN is committed to advancing the understanding of the brain and the nervous system by creating venues where great science gets shared.