A Roman-era shipwreck on the Spanish Mediterranean island of Mallorca was carrying a cargo of highly prized fish sauce when ...
The Maud Rise polynya has been sporadically opening up in Antarctica's ice since at least the 1970s. Now climatologists ...
The languages of the earliest Americans evolved in 4 waves, according to one expert.
In the Long Beach outbreak, 14 people with active TB had been identified as of April 29. The cases have been tied to a single ...
Flaring stars, black hole outbursts and gamma-rays are just some of the cosmic exotica that Einstein Probe will hunt for.
A new type of hybrid sodium-ion battery that offers both high capacity and rapid-charging capabilities could power mobile ...
The Cave of Crystals in Chihuahua, Mexico, is buried almost 1,000 feet (300 meters) beneath Earth's surface and contains ...
New James Webb Space Telescope observations of the exoplanet WASP-43b reveal that the hot gas giant is tidally locked, ...
Infections can trigger pregnancy complications, and now, new miniature versions of the placenta are helping show why.
China's launched its Chang'e 6 sample-return mission, which will haul dirt and rocks home from the mysterious lunar far side.
Egyptologists have discovered the remains of a "rest house" in the northern Sinai desert. The structure may have temporarily housed ancient Egyptian forces, and possibly even royalty, during the reign ...
The James Webb Space Telescope's possible detection of biological chemicals on the exoplanet K2-18b may just have been methane gas, a new study cautions. Planned follow-up observations could solve the ...