Our panel posits that artificial intelligence isn’t the only technology trend making waves in accounting firms and finance ...
Although the IRS says it has made great strides in customer service to taxpayers over the past year, "We have a lot more work to do," Commissioner Danny Werfel said Thursday. That work includes ...
Now that tax season is over, many CPA firms can take a breath and give their staff a well-deserved break. But this time of ...
The IRS on Tuesday provided a comprehensive list of changes in tax accounting methods to which the automatic change procedures in Rev. Proc. 2015-13 apply. The list includes 21 changes described as ...
Unmarried, cohabiting couples experience the same joys and challenges as married couples but without marriage’s legal entanglement. The lack of legal standing, however, means estate planning requires ...
The final regulations, which the IRS issued Friday, also provide rules regarding the critical mineral and battery component requirements for the new clean vehicle credit, and they add a new test for ...
A notice of deficiency’s petition filing deadline controls despite, in an ‘obvious mistake,’ being more than a year after the notice’s mailing date.
A new PCAOB report highlights how audit quality can be improved by root cause analysis — an approach the federal board eventually could require and one addressed in new AICPA quality management system ...
IRS Appeals abused its discretion by closing a taxpayer’s Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing two days after inviting him to further discuss collection alternatives, the Tax Court held.
Leading forensic accountants share their insights on the schemes most likely to affect CPAs and their clients.
Artificial intelligence technology can be misused for fraud, but it is also a tool accountants can use to detect fraud. Find ...
Since 2022, several states and a handful of local jurisdictions have enacted pay equity laws, creating a patchwork of laws with differing requirements and prohibitions. The growing trend of leveraging ...