Discover the benefits of home gardening: a healthy, eco-friendly hobby that boosts nutrition and well-being. Learn how to start and what to plant for a healthier lifestyle.
Young adults believe myths about sun safety, with many underestimating skin cancer risks from tans and overestimating harms of sunscreen.
The Lighthouse Guild aims to provide all the services that people with vision loss and blindness need to manage their lives ...
Consuming at least 7 grams of olive oil daily can reduce dementia-related death risk by 28 percent, according to a new study. Replacing margarine with olive oil also lowers risk.
Losing your temper can make it harder for the heart to pump blood throughout the body, increasing the risk of heart attacks ...
Discover how the 'sleepy girl mocktail' and other sleep-promoting foods can help improve your sleep quality. Learn more about ...
Microorganisms in the digestive tract may help reduce heart disease risk by helping the body process cholesterol, a new study ...
Studies have found that people with inflammatory bowel disease or multiple sclerosis are at a higher risk than the general population of having the other as well, but the exact connection remains ...
Consuming more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains may help people with prostate cancer live longer, a new study suggests.
The 75 Soft challenge is a 75-day plan to bolster health and fitness with nutrition, fitness, and mental health components. Fitness and nutrition experts say 75 Soft is overall a sustainable ...