A drug used for high blood pressure, known as rilmenidine, may also be effective in slowing the aging process.
The latest negotiations on a global plastics treaty concluded in Canada early Tuesday, advancing the dialogue despite ...
The results suggest that the sediments were formed in a river, delta, or near the shoreline of an ancient, habitable lake on ...
The ongoing efforts to protect red colobus monkeys and their habitats involve collaboration between nearly 20 institutions ...
The formidable, saber-like fangs of Smilodon fatalis, also known as saber-toothed cats, are a symbol of prehistoric ferocity.
Medium-sized dog breeds are more prone to cancer than both the smallest and the largest breeds, according to a recent study ...
New study finds high microbial contamination in UK hospital toilets, highlighting need for better cleaning and design changes ...
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reclassify marijuana as Schedule III, acknowledging medical uses and lowering abuse ...
The belief that purebred dogs are inherently less healthy than mixed-breed dogs is a common misconception, according to a ...
Scientists are gearing up to study how solar storms could impact future space exploration, particularly on Mars.
The findings indicate that exposure to traffic noise - common in urban settings - directly affects the growth and fitness of ...
Solar activity has reached high levels, with five sunspot groups present on the visible solar disk. In addition, background X ...