With mergers and acquisitions making a comeback, organizations need to be sure they safeguard their digital assets before, ...
Security bugs are having a cybercrime moment: For 2023, 14% of all data breaches started with the exploitation of a ...
JFrog found that some 4.6 million imageless repositories were published on Docker Hub over a five-year period. Of that, ...
As the social media giant celebrates its two-decade anniversary, privacy experts reflect on how it changed the way the world shares information.
Mobile USA are being fined $200 million for sharing location data. They plan to appeal the decision, which is the culmination ...
London Drugs, a Canadian pharmacy chain, has closed its stores until further notice due to an "operational issue." A London ...
Tracking code used for keeping tabs on how members navigated through the healthcare giant's online and mobile sites was ...
While other professions are making up ground, cybersecurity still lags behind in female representation, thanks to a lack of ...
Likely China-linked adversary has blanketed the Internet with DNS mail requests over the past five years via open resolvers, ...
Okta warns users that the attack requests are made through an anonymizing service like Tor or various commercial proxy ...
In most cases, the goal of these attacks is disruption or destruction. Around 80% of USB-based threats every year now are capable of causing disruptions to OT systems, including loss of visibility or ...
The CVE-2024-27322 security vulnerability in R's deserialization process gives attackers a way to execute arbitrary code in ...