Decisions on sanctions are taken by the Council of the EU by unanimity, following discussions in the relevant Council working groups on the proposal made by the High Representative of the Union for ...
The Council prolonged the EU restrictive measures in view of the situation in Myanmar for one year, until 30 April 2025.
Press briefing ahead of the upcoming Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council will take place on 29 ...
A snapshot of how the EU changed in 2004 when 10 countries joined, and the economic growth that followed. Discover more in our infographic ...
I am honoured to provide the closing remarks at today’s conference. I am however sad not to be able to join you in person in Paris! I know that today you have heard from an array of eminent speakers ...
Remarks by Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe at the presentation of the French task force report on the reboot of the Capital Markets Union on 25 April 2024.
June European Parliament election forecasts, geopolitical parameters of enlargement, disruption of global supply chains and ...
Vijeće je odlučilo produljiti mjere ograničavanja povezane s unutarnjom represijom u Bjelarusu i potporom režima ratu Rusije ...
Pārskats par Eiropas Savienības pieņemtajiem lēmumiem attiecībā uz ierobežojošiem pasākumiem pret Baltkrieviju.
EU co nejdůrazněji odsoudila zapojení Běloruska do nevyprovokované a neoprávněné ruské vojenské invaze na Ukrajinu. EU v ...
Iraani vastu suunatud ELi sanktsioonid vastusena inimõiguste rikkumistele, tuumarelva leviku alasele tegevusele ja Venemaa ...
Der belgische Vorsitz hat beschlossen, in Bezug auf ausländische Einmischung in die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament die Integrierte Regelung für die politische Reaktion auf Krisen (IPCR) des Rates z ...