Nature can also be a source of confusion or anxiety for believers as they observe eclipses and earthquakes and try to discern ...
Infertility alone should not guide our thinking, even if longing for children is a God-given desire. Christians have a ...
American society is no longer composed of readers of books and other written works that require sustained, rational attention ...
A fter the departure of thousands of traditionalist United Methodist churches from the denomination over the past five years, ...
Eastern Orthodox poet Scott Cairns reflects on his new collection, his journey of faith, and poetry’s capacity to apprehend ...
Leader explains why the movement is seeing its biggest membership bump in 30 years and its mission for the years ahead.
Alors que le pays est ravagé par la violence, des responsables chrétiens soignent les blessures par balle, accueillent des ...
似乎所有人類都有個「不公平雷達」,每當我們遇到毫無意義的不公平事情時,雷達就會響起。從一些常見的讓人不快的例子,如插隊,到讓我們深感悲痛的事,如一名有三個孩子的年輕母親身患癌症晚期,我們都會強烈地感覺這個世界有太多錯誤。或者想想全球範圍內各種不公平的 ...
Interview with leader of new evangelical alliance describes his escape from Khartoum and the pressure to pick a side.
房 间里很热,我盯着眼前洁白的桌子,小心翼翼地不敢抬眼,全身肌肉紧绷。 我的左边是拉维·撒迦利亚国际事工(简称RZIM)国际董事会的成员,他们坐在桌边,透过视讯参加会议。