In the Christian faith, more people will say that the word of God, not religion, is the principal focus. All that matters is ...
Certain professions have been glamorized, making them appear as the epitome of success and fulfillment. However, the reality ...
While Millennials and Gen Z often face criticism for perceived entitlement and struggle with issues like student debt and the ...
When we look back at the past we often want things to return to the way they were. But, on occasion, we question why we ever ...
Atheists are often misunderstood in their beliefs,  particularly by religious people. From lacking morals to being frivolous ...
Understanding military jargon and phrases can be challenging for those outside the armed forces. From slang to specialized ...
Many Catholic schools have a reputation for academic excellence, with a focus on core subjects and a strong curriculum. This ...
Boomers are notably absent from Sunday services these days. The pews that once held their loyal presence now echo with ...
People in their 40s are often portrayed as being past their best, but the reality is very different. Life after 40 can be a time when confidence soars as they experience a newfound sense of self. Here ...
The core values of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) include following Jesus Christ’s teachings, living a moral life, and serving others. These values inform how members ...
While there is no definitive way to rank the worst city, various studies and reports indicate where residents struggle and ...