The social media company is arguing the proposed ban violates the First Amendment and regulates them without due process.
Social Security is expected to hit insolvency in 2035, while a portion of Medicare will be insolvent by 2036. What are we ...
Abortion rights groups have sued Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall after he said he would prosecute anyone who ...
A 16-year-old boy has kicked off a free speech debate—one that's already attracting spectators beyond his North Carolina ...
Researchers harnessed AI tools to read ancient scrolls thought long lost to the ashes of Mount Vesuvius' eruption in 79 C.E.
Your vote probably doesn't matter: "The titanic Biden-Trump election likely will be decided by roughly 6% of voters in just six states," reports Axios. The truly contested states in 2024 will probably ...
Florida’s protectionist ban on the nascent industry sacrifices conservative principles in the name of a culture war that politicizes everything.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp!" The "swamp" is the permanent Washington bureaucracy working to perpetuate ...
In Italy, the Milan city council is considering a law that would ban the sale of ice cream, pizza, ...
Going into Rafah: "The Israeli military said on Tuesday that it had sent tanks into Rafah and established control over the ...
"Considering recent events, and absent extraordinary change, we will not hire anyone who joins the Columbia University ...
To my knowledge, many judges, both liberals and conservatives, have considered ideological compatibility in hiring clerks, though many others, both liberals and conservatives, have generally not ...