Expect intense heat on the floor of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Researchers have learned that a location responsible ...
However, they’re not perfect. In the future, spacecraft will need to perform high-velocity propulsive maneuvers—such as ...
Known as one of the “greatest intelligence coups of the Cold War,” the project was highly ambitious—and shrouded in secrecy.
While Claude 3’s abilities are impressive, they’re still a reflection of the AI’s (admittedly) remarkable ability to identify ...
Most smart bird feeders on our list come with built-in cameras. These cameras offer high definition videos and photographs of ...
This new propulsion system could rewrite the rules of spaceflight—not to mention completely defy conventional physics.
Futurists, including some medical doctors, are signing up to be decapitated—and then have their brains frozen. But without a ...
Archaeologists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius: the long-hidden villa that may mark the ...
Scientists have long mimicked human synapses using conventional solid materials, but new research attempts to recreate using ...