In March 2024, a 39-year-old man became the first person in England and Wales to be convicted of the new offense of ...
The three staple crops dominating modern diets—corn, rice and wheat—are familiar to Americans. However, fourth place is held ...
As greenhouse gases go, nitrous oxide (N2O) is a doozy. With a global warming potential 273 times that of carbon dioxide, ...
Hurricanes are among the world's most destructive natural hazards. Their ability to cause damage is shaped by their ...
Human activities account for a substantial amount—anywhere from 20% to more than 60%—of toxic thallium that has entered the ...
Driving at night might be a scary challenge for a new driver, but with hours of practice it soon becomes second nature. For ...
Imagine working during a heat wave, standing over a boiling hot stove in a busy restaurant with no air conditioning, limited ...
A group of crop systems analysts at Wageningen University and Research, in the Netherlands, has found evidence that ...
The future of a space-faring civilization will depend on the ability to move both cargo and humans efficiently and rapidly.
Some of the ocean's tiniest organisms get swept into underwater currents that act as a conduit that shuttles them from the ...
Proximity is key for many quantum phenomena, as interactions between atoms are stronger when the particles are close. In many ...
Scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed lubricant additives that protect both ...