In a demonstration at Eglin Air Force Base’s B-70 range in Florida, the US Air Force displayed its capacity to design, ...
A team from ETH Zurich is teaching a wheeled and legged robot to complete tasks. Unusually though, they're using a ...
French company EOS Technologie has unveiled its newest ‘kamikaze’ drone, which is capable of achieving speeds of up to 248.55 ...
A new study reveals rising temperatures are harming bumblebee populations by disrupting their ideal nest environment.
A water-based battery design from China boasts increased safety and double the power, promising advancements in electric ...
A research team from Northwestern University used physics and statistical theory to confirm Fritz Heider’s social balance ...
A former Google engineer who founded a church dedicated to AI called Catholic Answers has been scrutinized immensely.
For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has used venomous centipedes to treat kidney disease, epilepsy, and many other disorders.
The Chang’e-6 is set to land on the South Pole-Aitken Basin, which is on the lunar far side and is one of the largest and oldest impact features in the solar system.
The James Webb Space Telescope will observe planet K2-18b again later this year to look for more signs of alien life.
Microneedles are tiny tools used in important medical procedures like stimulating the brain and checking for signs of good ...
Scientists constantly study the natural world to develop technology, and this time, they have turned to sea turtles to innovate the heart monitor. At the North University of China, Junbin Zang and his ...