Fashion has had a devastating impact on the planet, producing more greenhouse gas emissions than aviation and shipping ...
Activists appealed to the United Nations for help staving off “disaster capitalism” in the wake of the deadly blaze.
A trove of documents released ahead of a congressional hearing shows BP acknowledging that gas wasn't as climate-friendly as promised.
However, last week’s rules also contained substantial new controls on the pollution generated by the nation’s aging fleet of ...
A new initiative invited student groups to design and plant gardens that will promote wildlife, and cultivate their visions ...
A deal to stop plastic pollution is moving forward, but negotiators can’t agree on whether to produce less of the stuff.
The saga in Jackson reflects a wider debate playing out in cities across the country. It's not just about water.
Grist leadership is pleased to announce that it has hired Matthew McKnight as a senior editor, helping to lead the newsroom’s ...
Emissions bounced back in 2021, when people started resuming some of their normal activities, but offices have never been the ...
Tony Spaniola received a notice informing him that his family shouldn’t drink water drawn from the well at his lake home in ...
A 26-member board is finally beginning work on the UN’s new climate reparations fund — three months late, and billions of ...
Climate change is scrambling the seasons, wreaking havoc on trees. Some temperate and high-altitude regions will grow more ...