His partner complained that he grabbed her by the neck, slapped her and bit her on the back - Police is looking for him ...
There is no other governance proposal today, because we are talking about how we will change the country and their only ...
In a surprise move for Athens, S&P’s outdid itself by taking a new consecutive step yesterday in upgrading the Greek economy.
Heavy rains and storms today – The 6 areas where the phenomena will be intense The express weather is already hitting the ...
Prince Nikolaos and Tatiana Blatnik have put an end to their marriage, after 14 years of shared journey, as announced by the ...
SYRIZA has already announced the 37 candidates who will populate the ballot for the June 9th European elections ...
Jackson and Harvey Keitel reunited at the TCM Classic Film festival on Thursday for a 30th anniversary screening of Quentin ...
Unemployment, which reached historic highs of 27.2% in 2013, has now fallen to 10%, while the non-performing loan rate in ...
This incident reflects a broader trend among universities nationwide, where administrations are taking stricter actions ...
President Joe Biden exaggerated details while recounting a story about his uncle’s disappearance during World War II, ...
A high school student revealed to his father his experience with the archaeological guard when he learned that there was an ...
Bonus: Until when does it have to be paid & what applies to employees in the private sector » Inspections will be conducted ...