Despite transparency concerns, the state auditor’s report says two programs focusing on housing and preventing homelessness ...
Following months of large scale protests against police brutality across the United States in 2020, then-California Attorney ...
California will pilot a program to reduce climate emissions from buildings without displacing tenants. Facing a deficit, Gov.
Josh: The way we raise cattle today is a huge carbon and methane problem, and the way we deal with forests, especially in the ...
As legal efforts fall short, residents are pursuing a novel strategy to halt the building of export terminals on unspoiled ...
Contrary to common beliefs, many Californians in low-wage jobs are in the later stages of their work lives. They also play a ...
As resort owners rake in record profits, organizers are trying to unionize ski patrollers across the West — and they’re ...
Dissatisfaction with the president’s climate agenda and cynicism over politics in general may erode millennial and Gen-Z ...
Researchers estimate there are 2.2 million undocumented people in California. There may be 520,000 people who earn too much to qualify for Medi-Cal but don’t have employer-provided health care, said ...
The Friends of the Earth report encouraged banks to require clients in the livestock industry to report separately on their ...
A tight labor market and local minimum wages that are already close to the new $20 minimum are among the reasons.