But before you rush out to get one for your yard, let’s chat about what makes native wisteria species such a smart choice.
While some items naturally grow up, like bean vines, others, like pumpkins don’t traditionally grow up, but rather sprawl out across the ground, taking up a lot of space. Second, creating vertical ...
Transform your backyard into a visual masterpiece! Explore creative garden design ideas like flower beds and water features ...
Clematis flowers range in size from petite, bell-shaped blooms to large flowers in breathtaking shades of pink, white, yellow ...
The maypop, also known as the purple passionflower, can cover a large area of ground in a short time and is a strong attract ...
Touring other people’s yards and landscapes is practically a national pastime for gardeners. Luckily, the Red River Valley ...
This crabapple tree boasts grapevines and bower vines climbing its branches. The Moraga Garden Club planted a small yet ...
While spring is the perfect season to try your hand at climbing vines and espalier trees, Frerichs encourages the home ...