The missing zebra, a Western Washington sensation, was found Friday night near North Bend after nearly a week on the loose.
Five days earlier, Sugar and three other zebras, including her months-old filly, bolted from a horse trailer on Interstate 90 ...
What would help animal control the most to catch the runaway zebra? "If you see it, in real time, call 911 immediately," one ...
NORTH BEND, Wash. — The search area is expanding for a runaway zebra in North Bend. It's one of four zebras that got loose on ...
His father was a livestock veterinarian who started a cattle feedlot on the property, which occupies several thousand acres of thornbush and zebra grass in the rugged Waterberg mountains. But Egbert ...
A spokesperson for the Washington State Patrol (WSP) said four zebras being transported escaped at about 1 p.m. Sunday when ...
It was an unusual wildlife sighting Sunday when four zebras escaped from their trailer and galloped into a Washington ...
Sunday lunchtime took a major turn this weekend when drivers on a major Washington state highway did a double take.