Developer: 2015 Official Site: * Nine expansive single-player levels ranging from behind enemy lines in Normandy to the Battle of the ...
Updated On April 19, 2024, by Jason Wojnar: The games detailed in the first version of this list do not cover every single Medal of Honor ... the future series in Allied Assault, including an ...
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Battlefield 1942, and Wolfenstein are classic games that capture the essence of World War 2 and are still enjoyable to play today. Call of Duty: Vanguard is not the ...
Games like Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare provide intense single-player campaigns with ...
Day, thousands of Allied soldiers crossed the choppy waters of the English Channel by air and sea to land on beaches and ...
Booker who died in Iraq and Medal of Honor recipient Pvt ... was assigned to the Army’s 133 Infantry Regiment and fought with Allied forces in Tunisia. Doug Bush, the Army’s acquisition ...
Fifty-five years after President Johnson awarded Maj. Drew Dix the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroism in the ...
Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs Director John Hilgert says the goal is to honor as many as possible of the 800 ...
As a teenager, Arthur had served with distinction in the Union Army, eventually earning the Congressional Medal of Honor for leading a courageous assault ... prongs in the Allied drive to roll ...
Long pages are pages with a high amount of content. This listing is sorted by longest page. Some long pages may need to be broken into multiple smaller pages, though not all.
However, long before that mammoth-sized game came the Medal of Honor series ... of the Omaha Beach mission from Frontline and Allied Assault. The campaign is not as interesting as the games ...
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