At-home lasers are mostly light-based devices that use low levels of energy to reduce hair on various parts of the body, says ...
A report in The New England Journal of Medicine highlighted a case of a 26-year-old woman who suffered kidney damage after ...
When someone chooses a beauty product or treatment, their worst fear may be that the treatment won't work or won't look the ...
Everyone wants strong, healthy hair. To help you strengthen your hair, we spoke with a hairstylist and dermatologist for ...
Natures Gentle Touch Hair Institute has trained some journalists in Lagos as part of its effort to advance beauty therapy ...
Incorporate scalp cosmeceuticals and hair shaft treatments: To treat dull and damaged hair, which is common these days, it is ...
Hair gloss is a must-have bathroom shelf staple to boost the lustre of your locks. The product is used for several reasons, ...
A WOMAN has shared a hair growth tip that has transformed her mane. You could spend a fortune on hair growth treatments, but ...
A simple way to work out which your hair needs is to gently pull a single strand of your hair. If it snaps without stretching ...
Beyonce isn't the only Black woman with long, healthy hair. With the right products and a lot of patience, you can have ...
Step into the vibrant world of NativeChild, where every strand tells a story of resilience, empowerment, and natural beauty.
Your hair is your crowning glory, and maintaining its health and beauty should be a priority in your self-care routine.