Hair loss is a slow burn, and you might not realize your hair is thinning until a small bald patch begins to appear on your ...
Everyone wants strong, healthy hair. To help you strengthen your hair, we spoke with a hairstylist and dermatologist for ...
Incorporate scalp cosmeceuticals and hair shaft treatments: To treat dull and damaged hair, which is common these days, it is ...
A report in The New England Journal of Medicine highlighted a case of a 26-year-old woman who suffered kidney damage after ...
Step into the vibrant world of NativeChild, where every strand tells a story of resilience, empowerment, and natural beauty.
In New Mexico, three women contracted HIV after getting a vampire facial at a local salon. But what exactly is a vampire ...
“Alopecia areata is a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, which usually leads to hair ...
At a personal color diagnosis specialty store in Donggyo-dong, Seoul, on April 26, three to four foreign customers were seen ...
Let’s take a look back at a snapshot to November 2022, when TikTok was popularizing some of its more ludicrous health trends: ...
The saying goes, ‘summer bodies are made in winter’, but the same can be said for summer skin. If you want to spend your summer with your skin looking its best, without makeup, it’s time to start ...
Place a bowl of dry coffee grounds in your fridge or freezer to eliminate food odors, or sprinkle them into your garbage bin ...
The Homeopathy Unit of AYUSH in collaboration with the Department of ENT, is leading research in the treatment of a condition called Allergic Rhinitis. The preliminary results of this research are ...