B ernie Sanders has launched a probe into the “outrageously high prices” that drug giant Novo Nordisk charges for Ozempic and ...
Types, symptoms of blood sugar highs and lows, and the importance of a regular routine for meals and medication.
Highlands Middle School nurse Aliza Zelina keeps individual baskets stocked with snacks and medical supplies for her students ...
A new study found a correlation between avocado consumption and reduced diabetes risk in Mexican adults. Several dietitians ...
China: In a significant advancement in the realm of diabetes management, a pioneering three-arm randomized controlled trial ...
Data suggest a lack of compliance with assessments to prevent ophthalmologic and neuropathic complications of diabetes in ...
In today’s healthcare landscape, value-based outcomes are more than a trending topic; they’re a primary goal. And for individuals living with diabetes, value-based outcomes are the key to a healthy ...
"The ADA's Diabetes Primary Care Alliance will provide a robust health information ... systems from other ADA primary care ...
Findings from the FAMS-T1D study demonstrate that structured goal-setting and achievement significantly enhance self-efficacy ...
We must ensure people with obesity, including those on anti-obesity medications and receiving other forms of treatment, have ...
As a parent or caregiver, understanding the signs of youth diabetes can be a vital step toward ensuring your child's long-term health and well-being.
Population-wide screening of children for presymptomatic early-stage type 1 diabetes is gaining momentum. Studies have demonstrated feasibility and acceptance, and shown that the rate of progression ...